The Hell Butterfly

The Click-Over

That’s what I fear – the click-over. By that I mean the day the first number of my age clicks over and suddenly there’s this sinking feeling. It only happens every ten years so it makes it more gut-wrenching when it does.

I never understood why my Mum and Dad made a fuss about turning 40, or 50. At least I didn’t until I turned 20. I obviously didn’t remember the first time the number clicked over to a 1. And anyway, it wouldn’t have felt so bad because it was a celebration of having double figures in your age. But where I never cared for 18, and don’t care for 21, my 20th birthday filled my with an unidentifiable sense of dread. The idea of becoming an ‘adult’ at 18 did nothing for my mental feels. Just as now, thinking about the milestone of 21, I have no reaction. It was the action of that first number clicking over that made my blood run cold.

ImageImagine one of those old-fashioned clocks. The ones where the numbers are on shutters and they slowly turn as the time goes on. The minute ones are constantly going, but the hour only clicks over every 60 minutes. It draws out it’s click-over for so long you almost forget to notice it. But then when it does go it makes it that much more noticeable. That’s the part of aging that gets me.

Not the grey hair – well, not yet anyway – and not the wrinkles. That happens to us all and I have plenty of time to get accustomed to the idea that one day I might look more like a mouldy raisin than a human. It’s that fear of knowing that in ten years time, after I have stopped noticing that first number, it will click over and I’ll feel those ten years catch up on me in one rush. I suppose when I really think about it it’s not just the click-over that I fear. It’s the knowing I could lose my memory, my eyesight, my legs. I don’t want to be dependent on someone else. I felt bad when M24 spent £1.69 on a pot of tea for me, so the idea of being in debt to someone for taking care of me 24/7 is horrible.

But for now, I am not at that stage. I still have full control of my motor functions and over my mind. I am young and healthy and should be making the most of it while I can. And for the next few years I imagine I’ll be able to get through without too much preoccupation over aging. It will be my 30th birthday that will get me. The moment that Number 2 shutter finally ticks over and becomes a 3. The ominous feeling of something dark looming overhead that won’t reveal itself until the day, and when it does it’ll knock the proverbial wind out of me.

Right this moment the only thing about getting older I’m letting myself worry about is what I’m going to do after I leave uni. House, bills, job, driving … complete independence. It’s a scary thought. I like living alone right now. But I don’t have a job – I don’t need one. I’m living in a shared house run by a student accommodation business – it’s not a house with a mortgage or a flat with regular (high) bills. I can’t drive, but I don’t currently need to – I’m terrified to try. Once I can get over that, and make it out the other side alive perhaps the future won’t look so bleak.

But for now, let’s just think about the immediate future. That’s the only thing I care about. The next year will be big for me: my final year at uni and with it the dissertation, moving house again and meeting more new people, finding out if I can make a go of it with M24. A lot of big things and I can’t afford to focus on the far future with this so close. Perhaps after I’ll be able to worry, but for right this moment all I care about is if I can get my essays in on time and when I’ll get to go to Newquay with M24.

Other youths-at-heart:

  1. Secrets of the universe | Perspectives on life, universe and everything
  2. Child’s play 🙂 | Perspectives on life, universe and everything
  3. Coffee-drinking on a bench, in a Sunny Morning | НЕКОИ МАЛИ НЕШТА ПИСАТЕЛСКИ
  4. Age is relative… | Hope* the happy hugger
  5. Forever Old | Musings | WANGSGARD
  6. Forever Young | Knowledge Addiction
  7. Daily Prompt: Young At Heart | The WordPress C(h)ronicle
  8. The Daily Prompt & Being First | The Jittery Goat
  9. Young at Heart | Kate Murray
  10. HIGH HOPES | Seif Salama Karem
  11. Seconds | INKLINGS
  12. Daily Prompt: Young At Heart | seikaiha’s blah-blah-blah
  13. The Click-Over | jigokucho
  14. Daily Prompt: Young At Heart | Awl and Scribe
  15. “Young at Heart” | Relax
  16. Aging With Grace | The Giardino Journey
  17. Daily Post: Young at heart | Love your dog
  18. Daily Prompt: Young At Heart | Life is not for everyone.
  19. DP Daily Prompt: Young At Heart | Sabethville
  20. Daily Prompt: Young At Heart: When I am an old woman I shall wear purple | Healthy Harriet
  21. Daily Prompt: Young At Heart | tnkerr-Writing Prompts and Practice
  22. Daily Prompt: Young At Heart | littlegirlstory
  23. Aging is Seen Clearest, in the Mirror! | meanderedwanderings
  24. Young At Heart Forever? | Awake & Dreaming
  25. “Emotionally Subnormal”: Comic Book Culture and its Intended Audience | A Wiser Fella Than Myself Once Said…
  26. Young At Heart | Lisa’s Kansa Muse
  27. Daily Prompt: Young at heart. | A cup of noodle soup
  28. Daily Prompt: Young At Heart | wisskko’s blog
  29. Daily Prompt: Young at Hearts- psychology and phylosophy behind getting old | Journeyman
  30. Staying Young… | Haiku By Ku
  31. How To Be Young Again | The Moon Head

13 responses

  1. Pingback: Daily Prompt: Young At Heart | tnkerr-Writing Prompts and Practice

  2. Pingback: Daily prompt: Age | The Wandering Poet

  3. I like your idea of thinking about age every ten years, but when 1 turns to 10, is when the fun begins.
    I always think about Shakespeare’s poem “World’s a stage …”

    March 22, 2014 at 2:43 pm

  4. Pingback: How To Be Young Again | The Moon Head

  5. Pingback: Daily Prompt: Young At Heart | Chronicles of an Anglo Swiss

  6. Pingback: Daily Prompt: Young At Heart | Nola Roots, Texas Heart

  7. Pingback: Young at heart: The Ballad of the Fifty Something Rebel. Daily Prompt! | ALIEN AURA'S BlOG: IT'LL BLOW YOUR MIND!

  8. Pingback: Daily Prompt: Young At Heart | The Bohemian Rock Star's "Untitled Project"

  9. Pingback: Responsibly Immature | The Ravenously Disappearing Woman

  10. Pingback: Fountain of Youth Lies in the Silly | The Shotgun Girls

  11. Pingback: Aging Is A Blessing | B.Kaotic

  12. Pingback: A Blog for Laura Lee

  13. Pingback: Young At Heart | Alexia Jones

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